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  • New Research Reveals Unexpected Exercise Benefits!

    New Research Reveals Unexpected Exercise Benefits!

    31 December, 2023

    Skeletal muscles secrete powerful hormones called myokines. These allow skeletal muscle to interact and influence other organs such as the brain, bone, liver, digestive tract, pancreas, vascular system.

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  • How our Emotions can Influence the Pain We Experience

    How our Emotions can Influence the Pain We Experience

    12 December, 2023

    Our Emotions and Performing Complex Demanding Tasks can reduce Neurological Pain Activation and the Pain we feel!

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  • Hypermobility; What Does it Mean if Your Joints are too Flexibile?

    Hypermobility; What Does it Mean if Your Joints are too Flexibile?

    27 June, 2023

    Excessive movement is not as unusual as you would think. Hypermobility affects approximately 20% of the population. The most common thread for many of these people is a genetic disorder that influences how their bodies make collagen which is the main structural protein that we are made of.

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  • Latest Ground Breaking Innovations in the Treatment of Cancer

    Latest Ground Breaking Innovations in the Treatment of Cancer

    5 February, 2023

    For the first time in 2022 a new exciting technology called CART Cell Therapy was used with a modified gene editing technique called Base Editing to treat cancer. This is a fast-moving research area with massive potential. It has generated huge excitement among researchers and oncologists. So how does it work?

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  • First we had Probiotics & then Prebiotics. So What are Postbiotics?

    First we had Probiotics & then Prebiotics. So What are Postbiotics?

    16 December, 2022

    First came probiotics with the introduction of seemingly beneficial bacteria in the form of supplements. Then there were prebiotics, or the foods these bacteria need to thrive. Now, there is another candidate called postbiotics.

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  • What you Eat and Drink in Early Life Reduces Your Risk of Dementia

    What you Eat and Drink in Early Life Reduces Your Risk of Dementia

    3 April, 2022

    A new study shows the direct association of alcohol consumption and brain atrophy. Another new study also shows that high levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and low blood glucose levels between the ages of 35-50 leads to a lower risk of dementia.

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  • How Viruses Can Help Protect our Food

    How Viruses Can Help Protect our Food

    17 March, 2022

    As we are fast running out of options with antibiotics interest in a group of viruses called bacteriophage is now intensifying. Given their ubiquity and specificity, it is no surprise that science is now very interested in harnessing their abilities.

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  • Epstein-Barr Virus; A Virus That Nearly all of Us Have, Yet Few of us Know About

    Epstein-Barr Virus; A Virus That Nearly all of Us Have, Yet Few of us Know About

    18 February, 2022

    The Epstein-Barr Virus, as emerging evidence is beginning to suggest, has a key role in many autoimmune diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis, and cancers.

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