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  • Nutritional Values on Food Labelling are not as Accurate as you Think!

    Nutritional Values on Food Labelling are not as Accurate as you Think!

    15 February, 2022

    Put simply ‘we don’t eat nutrients - we eat food.’ Many of us clearly do rely on food labelling to give us information that helps determine our food choices. A food label will after all give us a simple list of nutrients. So, it must be right?

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  • You can’t be Serious! Cheese is Good for Your Health!

    You can’t be Serious! Cheese is Good for Your Health!

    28 January, 2022

    New Research strongly suggests that a specific type of fatty acid present in milk products (called odd chain saturated fatty acids or OCFAs) is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

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  • Our Greatest Accidental Health Triumph. Eliminating Iodine Deficiency (Until Now).

    Our Greatest Accidental Health Triumph. Eliminating Iodine Deficiency (Until Now).

    20 January, 2022

    In the UK we have never directly addressed iodine deficiency. Eradicating it was an ‘accidental public health triumph’. This relied on the fact that milk consumption by UK consumers increased rapidly in the 1950s and 60s.

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  • Dementia has Many Causative Factors! The Latest Theories Revealed.

    Dementia has Many Causative Factors! The Latest Theories Revealed.

    17 December, 2021

    Dementia is now commonly viewed as a disease that has many contributing factors. These involve complex cascades of physiological processes that we do not yet fully understand. Put simply, it is not a singular disease, but an agglomeration of pathologies that lead to a loss of cognitive function.

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  • Neurodegeneration & Dementia. Why is our Understanding so Limited?

    Neurodegeneration & Dementia. Why is our Understanding so Limited?

    12 December, 2021

    We have limited understanding of the pathophysiology behind most Neurodegenerative Disorders. Given our lack of knowledge it is therefore difficult to identify what the precise targets should be for any therapeutic interventions.

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  • Do you prefer Tea or Coffee? A New Study Suggests either Can Be Beneficial for Your Brain Health.

    Do you prefer Tea or Coffee? A New Study Suggests either Can Be Beneficial for Your Brain Health.

    4 December, 2021

    Participants who drank 2–3 cups of tea and 2–3 cups of coffee per day were 32% less likely to have a stroke and 28% less likely to develop dementia when compared with participants who did not drink tea or coffee.

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  • A New Study Links Our Diet With Dementia

    A New Study Links Our Diet With Dementia

    30 November, 2021

    A new study demonstrates that those of us who eat ‘anti-inflammatory diet’ have a lower risk of developing dementia later in life. The study estimated that there is a three times greater risk of dementia linked to diets that are low in these food groups.

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  • Cervical Cancer is Now a Rare Disease Thanks to our National Vaccination Programme

    Cervical Cancer is Now a Rare Disease Thanks to our National Vaccination Programme

    14 November, 2021

    One of the greatest scientific achievements at the beginning of the 21st century was the development of the cervical cancer vaccine. The effects of the UK national vaccination programme for cervical cancer, introduced in 2008, have just been published in the scientific journal ‘The Lancet’.

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