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  • Flu has Vanished during the Pandemic but the Common Cold Has Not. Why is this?

    Flu has Vanished during the Pandemic but the Common Cold Has Not. Why is this?

    10 November, 2021

    The global mortality rate for seasonal flu typically is usually between 290,000–650,000 people a year. However, for 2020 and 2021, it has practically vanished from the face of the earth. Measures taken for COVID-19 such as social distancing and travel restrictions seem to have also significantly attenuated the flu virus as well. 

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  • The Sense of Touch is our Most Complex Sense. It took the Nobel Prize for Physiology 2021 to Provide Full Detail.

    The Sense of Touch is our Most Complex Sense. It took the Nobel Prize for Physiology 2021 to Provide Full Detail.

    31 October, 2021

    One fundamental question in physiology has remained unsolved. This is ‘how are temperature and touch converted into electrical impulses in our nervous system?’ This question has finally been answered by David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian,  who have just been awarded Nobel Prize in Physiology this year.

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  • What Do Llamas, Alpacas, Camels & Sharks Have in Common?

    What Do Llamas, Alpacas, Camels & Sharks Have in Common?

    24 October, 2021

    Llamas, alpacas, camels and sharks have unusually small antibodies. How can this help us in our fight against COVID?

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  • Could our Gut Biome Influence How Long We Live?

    Could our Gut Biome Influence How Long We Live?

    19 October, 2021

    New Research suggests that it may be possible to manipulate our gut biomes to produce special bile acids that help ward off illnesses and allow people to live longer.

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  • To Stretch or Not to Stretch? Some of the Latest Scientific Evidence

    To Stretch or Not to Stretch? Some of the Latest Scientific Evidence

    23 July, 2021

    The benefits of stretching before exercising have been hotly debated for some time. Evidence is at best contradictory, and no one really knew, based on scientific evidence whether it was beneficial or harmful, despite being widespread practice and perceived wisdom

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  • Synovial Joints are Essential for Human Movement. How do they Work? New Research also demonstrates how Insects Lubricate their Joints!

    Synovial Joints are Essential for Human Movement. How do they Work? New Research also demonstrates how Insects Lubricate their Joints!

    18 July, 2021

    Like all mammals humans have internal joints. This arrangement  allows the joints to be within joint capsules which are then bathed in synovial fluid (which is our lubricant). An adult human has 206 bones and 300 joints; most joints are synovial joints, such as our knees and knuckles.

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  • New Research Demonstrates that Cardiovascular Health Increases the Brains’ Resilience to Ageing & Atrophy

    New Research Demonstrates that Cardiovascular Health Increases the Brains’ Resilience to Ageing & Atrophy

    13 July, 2021

    In the scientific community the Tsimane (a small population from Bolivia) have status because they have the healthiest cardiovascular systems of any recorded population, which in turn increases their brains’ resilience to ageing and atrophy. This is according to remarkable results just published

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  • Research Demonstrates that Coffee reduces the Risk of Liver Disease

    Research Demonstrates that Coffee reduces the Risk of Liver Disease

    6 July, 2021

    A study from the University of Southampton suggests that drinking coffee offers protection against liver cancer and chronic liver disease. Since the 1970’s deaths due to liver disease have increased by 400%.

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