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Lifting Technique & Injury Risk
One of the most common presentations we see as specialists in musculoskeletal pain is lower back pain resulting from lifting.

Your Posture and the Shape of your Spine
Poor posture through slouching and carrying frequent heavy loads can cause supporting muscles and ligaments to stretch in the spine.

Common Spinal Conditions
Common back problems include spondylolisthesis, ankylosing spondylitis, Scheuermann's kyphosis, and osteoporosis.

Trapped Nerves in the Lower Back
The discs at the bottom of your lower back (L3/L4, L4/L5 and L5/S1) are the levels most likely to suffer from trapped nerves because these areas help support most of the weight of your upper body (two-thirds of your total body weight).

Muscle and Ligament Pain in the Spine
Soft tissue structures (muscles and ligaments) in the spine are fundamental in controlling our general movement and coordination.

Joint Pain in the Lower Back
Joint pain in the lower back can come from the facet joints, sacroiliac joints, the ribs and the coccyx.

The Ageing Process and Back Pain
The lower back (or lumbar spine) enables most of our daily duties and is therefore the focus of trauma too. Unfortunately these demands understandably impose considerable demands on the lower back and all its accompanying structures.