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Pfizer Vaccine Rollout in Israel: The First International Test Case
Phil Heler Phil Heler

Pfizer Vaccine Rollout in Israel: The First International Test Case

With what is a small population, highly digitized health system, and quick, military-assisted Pfizer vaccine rollout, Israel’s real-world data is an extremely useful addition to clinical trials that can be used by researchers, pharmaceutical companies and policymakers.

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Chemotherapy drugs from Brassicas and Yew Trees!
Phil Heler Phil Heler

Chemotherapy drugs from Brassicas and Yew Trees!

Plant metabolites have a huge range of biological functions and more than 60% of drugs with anti-cancer activity are derived from plants. More recently the brassica family has been an area of strong scientific enquiry.

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mRNA Vaccines and the Logistics of Distribution
Phil Heler Phil Heler

mRNA Vaccines and the Logistics of Distribution

Most vaccines are refrigerated at around 2-8°C but Pfizer’s vaccine, which uses messenger RNA, has vastly different requirements. Messenger RNA (or mRNA) vaccines have never been used before but unfortunately they are not thermostable.

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