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Can White Fat be Turned into Brown Fat which Burns Energy?
Phil Heler Phil Heler

Can White Fat be Turned into Brown Fat which Burns Energy?

It has recently been discovered that gene editing can transform the fat that we store in our bodies from white fat to brown or beige fat. Most of the fat we store is white fat and its function is simply to store energy whereas brown/beige burns energy.

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The Shoulder Joint and the Rotator Cuff
Phil Heler Phil Heler

The Shoulder Joint and the Rotator Cuff

The shoulder has an optimum kinematic (meaning the property of motion) lifespan of roughly 40 years. After this point in time we begin to see degenerative changes. The key anatomical issue with ageing in the shoulder is typically the rotator cuff.

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Is Sitting The New Smoking?
Phil Heler Phil Heler

Is Sitting The New Smoking?

‘How could evolution produce an organism that responds so poorly to rest?’ By contrast, bears, bats and a handful of other mammals spend their winters in hibernation, showing no ill effects when they wake up as spring arrives. Why is it different for humans?

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COVID-19 & Vitamin K Status
Phil Heler Phil Heler

COVID-19 & Vitamin K Status

A new study in Holland has revealed that poorer outcomes with COVID-19 may be partly associated with vitamin K status.

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Vitamin D Status & COVID-19
Phil Heler Phil Heler

Vitamin D Status & COVID-19

Vitamin D influences several immune pathways, with the net effect of boosting mucosal defences in our lung tissue while simultaneously dampening excessive inflammatory responses.

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