John the barber is now finally pain-free having completed our IDD progamme

John, a busy barber, had constant pain when standing.


John divides his time between his two busy barber shops in Stockport and Chapel-en-le Frith. Unfortunately John had a long history of lower back pain that was now impinging on his ability to work. Back in time he had a badly herniated disc at the bottom of his back in 2003 and this had longer term implications for his health. This incident left him with severe unpleasant pains down both his legs and a persistent dull ache in his back.

At the time he had guided injections under general anaesthetic into the affected spinal segment where the disc had herniated. The first series of injections had little effect. However, he was offered a second series of injections, these were much more helpful but did not take all the pain away. He still experienced intermittent bouts of acute discomfort. He managed these episodes with painkillers and anti-inflammatories.

Last year, in 2015. however John experienced his most severe episode to date and, for the first time,  he required time off work. This episode did wear off  but thereafter he noticed that after standing for long periods of time (necessary if you are barber!!) that he would be in considerable discomfort and this pattern did not appear to be improving.

Naturally John was concerned about his long term future and his ability to continue running his business and at this point he made the decision to contact our clinic and pursue our IDD programme.

On completion of our IDD programme I am pleased to say John experiences no pain at all and has few doubts about his future. “I would fully endorse IDD and it has taken 95% of my pain at away and this is the best I have felt since 2003”.


Stuart had £13,500 worth of surgery, consultations, scans and injections all to no avail. After completing our IDD programme he is now pain-free.


Andy (chronic lower back pain sufferer) now enjoys a pain-free life after entering our IDD programme