Stuart had £13,500 worth of surgery, consultations, scans and injections all to no avail. After completing our IDD programme he is now pain-free.

After completing our IDD therapy programme, Stuart is now finally pain free and it cost only £650. This is £12,900 less than the surgical option, non-invasive and safe.


Stuart’s history goes back to September 2015 when he had a prolapsed intervertebral disc. Initially he noticed a tingling in his toes and he assummed it might just be his tight fitting shoes. The following week however he was undertaking his duties in his garden and he bent down to pick some wood up and felt immediate acute lower back pain and, shortly after, he noticed pain travelling down his left leg. He saw the local practice nurse at his surgery and she booked him in with a physiotherapist. He had 4 sessions that did very little to change his situation.

Through his work private health scheme he had an MRI scan and based on that a decision was made to undertake an operation in February 2016 to rectify the damage to the disc. Unfortunately for Stuart, following the operation, he was taking so many painkillers he was rushed to hospital because of acute constipation (caused by codeine and he had a catheter fitted). Having convalesced and recovered he discovered that he still had his original symptoms with severe pain still referring down his left leg. After a further consultation with his consultant it was decided that he should have a series of spinal injections. The injections did change some aspects of his condition, but unfortunately, the pain transferred from his left leg to his right leg. Now when he walked 100m or so he now suffered from a variety of symptoms down the back of his other leg.

He had yet another another scan on 19th June to help determine the cause of this (results imminent on 23rd August). Keen to avoid surgery a second time Stuart embarked on our non-invasive IDD disc programme later in June. By the time he went to his consultant on August 23rd to discuss his MRI results from his second scan he was able to say that he was pain free. The consultant was amazed and is keen to know more about IDD.


Did you know that an osteopath can help you with your headaches and migraines?


John the barber is now finally pain-free having completed our IDD progamme