IDD Therapy for Disc Issues

IDD Therapy is the latest, most effective non-invasive treatment for spinal disc problems, disc degeneration and associated pain from trapped nerves.

IDD Therapy can best be described as a new technologically-advanced treatment that bridges the gap between manual therapy and surgery. It is non-invasive and pain-free.

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IDD Therapy – Revolutionary Treatment for Slipped Discs

Common conditions that can be treated by IDD Therapy include slipped discs (also known as a prolapsed intervertebral disc or a bulging disc). These are all terms which describe the outward movement of the centre of the intervertebral disc which then exerts pressure on surrounding structures.

In particular, this movement can put pressure on spinal nerves, leading to pain, numbness and pins and needles in either arms or legs.


IDD Therapy for Degenerative Discs

IDD Therapy also treats Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD). This describes the process whereby a disc loses fluid and dehydrates. When a disc degenerates in this way, the resulting loss of disc height can trap nerves and put more pressure on spinal joints in the neck or lower back.

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How does IDD Therapy work?

IDD Therapy is a treatment tool which decompresses and mobilises targeted spinal segments using computer-controlled pulling forces. This restores function and enables the body’s natural healing mechanisms to operate more efficiently.

Patients are connected to a SPINA machine via ergonomic harnesses. A waist harness acts like a pair of hands to grip the pelvis which is connected to a strap and a motor. A pulling force is applied at a specific angle to focus the pulling force at a desired level. It does this in a very controlled manner and has been shown to be able to open the space between two vertebrae.

IDD Therapy is the latest, most effective non-invasive treatment for disc degeneration or slipped discs.

Slipped discs, herniated discs or disc bulges or protrusions usually occur at the bottom of the lumbar spine at L4/L5 or L5/S1. These discs are the ‘shock absorbers’ at the bottom of the spine and support most of your upper-body weight (two-thirds of your total weight). By virtue of this fact, they are also the most likely levels of the spine to be affected by degenerative disc disease as well.

Equally, the discs at the bottom of your neck (much smaller than those below), which offer most support to your head, are the ones most likely to have similar related conditions at C4/C5 or C5/C6 or C6/C7.

How long is the treatment?

An IDD Therapy treatment lasts for 25 to 26 minutes: with 13 cycles where the joint space is opened. This creates pressure changes to draw fluid and nutrients into the disc space.

The movement and pressure change may also help to retract a bulging disc, taking pressure off nerves.

Are there any other components?

There is also a mobilisation component. When combined with the pulling force, soft tissues are gently stretched and worked to help free movement in the joint.

A gentle stretch also relieves muscle spasm which can lock joints. Gently releasing tension in this way can help with spinal mobility.