IDD Therapy Reviews
Read IDD Therapy reviews and watch video testimonials from past IDD Therapy clients here at Buxton Osteopathy Clinic.
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Bulging Discs
Slipped or Herniated Discs
Trapped Nerves
Disc Degeneration
IDD Therapy for bulging discs
Dorian works as a busy farrier and when he came to us he was almost unable to work. Dorian had long-term sciatic issues which had become progressively debilitating. Even standing was difficult.
On MRI Dorian had a large disc bulge at L4/L5. He had 18 treatments with us and now experiences no sciatic pain and he can now shoe four horses!! It is also worth pointing out that he did have spinal injections during treatment which help mask pain.
Helen had severe sciatica caused by a disc bulge, which was making her life very uncomfortable. It looked as though surgery may have been her only option.
Helen has finished the IDD protocol and is now totally pain-free. A great result for us and for Helen.
Richard had three disc bulges in his neck which were causing severe pain, weakness and numbness in his right arm and hand. Richard’s ambition (having retired) was to drive his motorcycle to Ireland. This no longer seemed possible as he could not operate the front brake on his motorcycle, and sometimes he had problems using a knife and fork. Having finished IDD Therapy, when Richard saw his orthopaedic consultant he no longer required surgery.
Mathew is only 41 years old and works as an engineer and was concerned as he felt his lower back pain threatened his ability to work (especially at 41).
Mathew had had lower back pain for two years and had tried other therapies. We sent him for MRI (this took two weeks) and it was evident he had two disc bulges at the bottom two discs. He was pain-free after 11 IDD Therapy treatments, and has continued with maintenance treatments.
Trishan works as a very busy dentist and had severe sciatic pain as a result of a disc bulge.
He is now pain-free after IDD Therapy.
Tom’s pain was so severe he thought he had broken his hip. Walking and moving around was very difficult because of the weakness and pain. He is not in any pain now and he has regained virtually all the strength in his foot.
Hannah was in constant pain and even struggled to walk. She elected to have IDD Therapy as a non-invasive alternative to surgery.
Hannah’s MRI revealed she had a disc bulge at the base of her spine. She has had 14 IDD treatments and is now in much less pain and is able to start running again. And, according to her family, she’s in much better humour too!
Jack damaged his back while motocross racing and mountain biking and developed what was clearly a disc-related issue, causing pins and needles and acute pain down his leg.
Jack is extremely active and he was frustrated by his condition as he was unable to fully participate (or not at all). He has completed the IDD Therapy protocol and is now able to resume his active lifestyle.
Ryan is a personal trainer and he had a disc issue at L5/S1 that was not resolving, and it was beginning to limit what he could do. Following IDD Therapy, he is now symptom-free.
Geoff had had lower back pain for over five years and had suffered from loss of sensation and weakness in his left foot. He also found that when he stood for prolonged periods of time, pain would escalate in his foot and calf muscle to the point where he would have to sit down.
Geoff had spinal injections in 2017 which gave him temporary relief. We sent him for an MRI and discovered that he had degenerative disc issues. After completing the IDD Therapy protocol, he now has full strength in his foot and his pain is markedly reduced.
Andy had had severe lower back pain and sciatica for 2 years and was already taking the maximum amounts of painkiller. He was worried about his ability to continue working as a postman: even getting out of bed in the morning was an effort.
After 11 IDD treatments, Andy is now virtually pain-free and here he tells his story in an emotional interview!
Sue had had lower back pain for 18 months and had needed several sets of spinal injections.
An MRI confirmed Sue had a disc bulge. After 11 sessions of IDD Therapy, she is now finally pain-free.
IDD Therapy for Herniated Discs (Slipped Discs)
When Dave came to us he could not walk more than 2-3 metres without severe pain. As a train driver, one of the prerequisites of his job was to walk long distances in case his train broke down.
On completion of his IDD treatment, Dave could walk without pain and for long distances.
Charlotte had a prolapsed disc at the beginning of 2018. She saw us in the summer of this year and having completed the IDD protocol is now pain-free and able to continue her studies at university unhindered.
Bridget had acute sciatica after a long car journey to Scotland because of a prolapsing disc issue which trapped a nerve, causing nasty sciatic pain in her legs. She had IDD Therapy and this resolved her pain.
Anna had severe pain either standing or sitting after 2-3 mins and the only position she could maintain was lying down. She works on a busy packing line and time off work was not an option. It was clear that she had a serious disc herniation, trapping nerves that caused acute sciatica. Frustrated by lack of progress through the NHS pathways, she undertook IDD Therapy and after 8 treatments she is now virtually pain-free.
Phil is a farmer and had been stacking pallets when he first felt pain in his lower back. Over the next two days it became obvious he had a severe disc prolapse and he spent a week in bed unable to move. In his second week he was only able to weight-bear for short periods with the use of a walking stick.
At this point Phil started IDD Therapy. He had 13 treatments over 3 weeks and his condition is now fully resolved.
Dylan had seen an osteopath for 7-8 treatments with no luck. He had severe sciatic pain that made his life very difficult.
On MRI it was evident that he had a very large disc herniation at the base of his spine. After completing his IDD protocol he is feeling a great deal better.
Paul had long-term sciatic issues and was dependent on pain-killers and unable to play golf.
Following his completion of the IDD treatment programme, Paul has been able to resume all his activities pain-free and no longer takes tablets for pain.
Tina was walking to her car and felt her back go. She had severe sciatic pain caused by a trapped nerve. She then decided to try IDD Therapy. She has since had 6 treatments and feels wonderful.
James is a busy farmer who, through no fault of his own, had had a road traffic accident when he was 15 years old. He had had severe bouts of lower back pain ever since that had gradually evolved into contact pain.
On consultation he was very limited in what he could do on the farm and he walked with crutches. We sent him for MRI twice and nothing could be identified. With little to lose we gave him IDD Therapy on a treatment-by-treatment basis and he is now virtually pain-free (although he experiences some short-lived pain if he has a hard day on the farm).
Nicola’s lower back pain was beginning to dictate her life with frequent acute spasms each day. This situation had been deteriorating over one year and she had even been to A&E with severe pain. We sent her for MRI and it was evident that she had a disc problem.
She has completed the IDD Therapy programme and is now much better, although she can get some minor discomfort after very prolonged sitting.
Rob had had lower back pain for 20 years, to the point where he would frequently collapse in the street. Pain-killers did not appear to help.
He is now more or less pain-free after completing our IDD treatment programme.
Barbara had had long-term lower back pain and sciatica that had recently taken a turn for the worse. She was limited in what she could do and could only walk for roughly 5 minutes before pain stopped her in her tracks.
Barbara completed her IDD treatment programme and is now almost pain-free for the first time in years.
Stuart had spent £13,500 on private healthcare for his sciatic pain, including surgery, scans, spinal injections and consultations… all to no avail.
Having completed 10 sessions of our non-invasive IDD treatment programme, he is now pain-free.
Helen could not walk as she had a nerve that was being trapped by an unstable vertebra. She runs a busy shop in Longnor and standing and serving customers was proving very difficult.
“I started to feel an improvement after the fifth session and now I am completely pain-free,” says Helen. “At February half-term we went walking, we’ve refurbished the shop and I have been out in the garden. I’ve got my life back.”
Harold could not sleep and even walking was very difficult. Harold works at a bar for the British Legion and this is a big part of his life. He had a trapped femoral nerve causing severe pain in his groin and at the front of his leg.
Dave had chronic lower back pain for a year that was not resolving due to a disc injury sustained in August 2017. He works an an engineer and has a heavy manual job. His condition made his job difficult.
Having completed IDD Therapy he is now finally pain-free.
IDD THerapy for Degenerative Discs
Marilyn had had chronic lower back pain for several years and this meant she could no longer pursue her passion of walking in the Peak District.
We sent her for MRI and identified severe degeneration in her mid-lower back. Marilyn has completed the IDD protocol and her condition has vastly improved and she is able to walk again. Due to her level of wear and tear from all the walking she is now able to do, she does still require an MOT now and again!
Cath was keen to avoid surgery and spinal injections for her degenerative disc condition, so she decided to have IDD Therapy instead as it is non-invasive.
Cath had had an onset of lower back pain in 2017, and as it progressed it limited her ability to both walk and sit. On MRI it became obvious that she had a disc bulge on her bottom disc at L5/S1. Cath can now do her gardening pain-free and she can walk wherever she wants to. She feels she has her life back!
Hazel’s lower back pain had manifested over 25 years, gradually increasing in pain and intensity to the point where her activity levels were significantly affected.
We sent Hazel for MRI and it became evident she had worn joints and discs at four vertebral levels at the base of her spine. Hazel had 16 IDD treatments and she is now virtually pain-free. (It is worth pointing out that for degenerative disc issues and joint arthropathy, surgery is usually not a viable option.)
Norma had a history of chronic lower back pain over 20 years, and this had deteriorated with pain and numbness down both legs into her feet.
On MRI Norma had a large disc pushing on her spinal chord and the nerves at the base of her spine. She had the full IDD Therapy protocol of 20 treatments and had no pain in her right leg and now has only occasional pain in her left leg.
We sent Norma for another MRI after her IDD treatment and the disc had successfully retracted, making only marginal contact with her nerve on the left side at the base of her back, with no pressure on the spinal chord.
Trev was in so much pain from spondylolysthesis at L4/L5 he was thinking of changing of jobs. This is very hard to treat using manual therapy. He is now pain-free after IDD and does not have to change jobs!!
A combination of spinal stenosis and a disc bulge was causing Gill severe sciatic pain. Here’s how IDD Therapy has helped her fight back.
Hear how IDD Therapy came to the rescue for Anne’s sciatica caused by degenerative disc issues.
After lower back pain for 4 years Louise was struggling to walk in the morning and even to stand straight. Her pain was so intense she would almost collapse. And like a lot of people, Louise has a busy job running a livery yard and stable, so she doesn’t have time to complain about her lower back. She is now typically pain-free in the mornings having completed IDD.
Hazel had lower back pain that had evolved over 2 years. Having retired, she had taken up ultra-distance running, but her pain forced her to give this up and she assumed that her running days were over. We sent her for MRI and discovered she had a degenerative disc condition that was treatable.
Having finished IDD Therapy, guess what? She is back doing ultra distance running!!