Get the lowdown on the latest research and thinking from the world of health and nutrition.

Flu: Why is it Seasonal?
Phil Heler Phil Heler

Flu: Why is it Seasonal?

As we speak there has been at least three main mechanisms of action for the transmission of flu in winter.

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Flu Vaccine: Why is it important?
Phil Heler Phil Heler

Flu Vaccine: Why is it important?

Most flu vaccines are trivalent (or contain three viruses e.g. two Type A and a Type B) or quadrivalent (contain four viruses and usually two of each type).

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Probiotics: Are You Wasting Your Money?
Phil Heler Phil Heler

Probiotics: Are You Wasting Your Money?

There is certainly a growing body of research evidence that the microorganisms in your gut (known as a biome) can influence your health but just how we best exploit this fact remains very unclear. The question is do they work?

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Turmeric & Reduction in Joint Pain
Phil Heler Phil Heler

Turmeric & Reduction in Joint Pain

It appears that turmeric has genuine health benefits. It is a powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anticancer properties.

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Veganism is now a fast-growing trend, but is it healthy?
Phil Heler Phil Heler

Veganism is now a fast-growing trend, but is it healthy?

One of the rapidly emerging trends regarding health and diet is veganism (especially in the under 25 age bracket) and I personally find this of great interest. As with any diet it does come with its advantages and disadvantages.

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The Ageing Process and the Relationship with Strength and Muscle Mass
Phil Heler Phil Heler

The Ageing Process and the Relationship with Strength and Muscle Mass

When muscles age they begin to gradually atrophy (waste) and there is a subsequent loss of mass or muscle bulk (this is called sarcopenia). This is essentially just a natural phenomenon related to physiological ageing, but it is important to remember that sedentary lifestyles can accelerate the process.

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