Train driver Craig’s story and his IDD Therapy experience

After enduring nine years of pain and discomfort, Buxton train driver Craig Johnston was facing major back surgery at the age of 29 – until a visit to Buxton Osteopathy Clinic turned his life around.


Craig damaged two discs in his lower spine during a bout of heavy lifting, leaving him in continual pain. He says: “You learn to live with it to a certain extent, but you have to cope with constant fare-ups.

“I used to enjoy playing football and going out, but that had to stop. And I couldn’t play with my kids. It wasn’t just the pain, it was depression – I just couldn’t do the things I wanted to do.”

Over the years, Craig visited physiotherapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors and personal trainers – but nothing worked. It seemed that there was only one thing left.

“I was looking at having spinal fusion surgery this summer, although they were reluctant to do it because of my age. But I had reached the stage where I thought it was my only option.”

Then his mother read about the pioneering IDD – Intervertebral Differential Dynamics – therapy offered by Buxton osteopath Phil Heler.

“I had my first session towards the end of October and after three or four visits I noticed an improvement – Phil had warned me that I wouldn’t feel the benefits straight away.”

Craig has an undergone a full series of 11 treatments on one of the discs and has so far had seven on the other. He feels like a changed man.

“My general movement is much, much better. I’m not walking around like an old man any more – I can stand up straight,” he says. “And for the first time in years, I don’t feel any discomfort when I’m lying in bed.

“I have seen about an 80% improvement so far. I am going to wait until I have had the final sessions and then start exercising to rebuild my back muscles.”

The therapy involves patients lying on a treatment table that applies computer-controlled forces at precise angles to gently draw targeted spinal segments apart. This relieves pressure on discs and trapped nerves and eases muscles and ligaments.

And as a non-invasive alternative to surgery for chronic back, neck and leg pain, the treatment also avoids risks such as post operative infections and bleeding – and the need to take rehabilitative time off work.

Craig adds: “I can highly recommend IDD therapy. For anyone who is in the situation I was in, it’s a no-brainer.”


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